Bloodborne Pathogens
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued the Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) Standard to protect workers from occupational exposure to hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and other bloodborne pathogens. The Standard requires that employees regard blood and certain other bodily fluids from any individual as potentially infectious, thus applying the concept of universal precautions. Reasonably anticipated contact with blood and other potentially infectious materials is what places an individual "at risk" of exposure to bloodborne pathogens.
For information specific to Texas Christian University’s Bloodborne Pathogens Program,
please review the “Bloodborne Pathogens Program” document linked below in the Resources
and Forms section.
Resources & Forms
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030
Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Title 25 Chapter 96
Bloodborne Pathogens: Basics of Bloodborne Pathogens - SNP-9.2
This online course addresses the basics of bloodborne pathogens, the type of pathogens,
and what to do if exposed.
Bloodborne Pathogens - BBP-1.2
Following completion of this online course, learners should be able to recognize the
basics of bloodborne pathogens, identify the meaning and risks of occupational exposure,
and identify how to safely handle sharps and contaminated waste.
Assignments of these online bloodborne pathogens courses can be requested via They can also be accessed via SafetySkills/HSI.